Kundoor river cleaning on (31-01-2020) The Bhoomithra sena club members of Don Bosco College cleaned Kundoor river, which is passing through the back side of the college. Trekking to Paithalmala (08-02-2020) BMSC members conducted a trekking to Paithalmala forest for the students of Don Bosco College, 44 students and 3 staff members participated. Paithalmala is a hill station in the kannur district of kerala. Located near Pottenplave village, the height of 1372 m above sea level, this is the highest geographic peak in Kannur. The headquarters of the forest is Thaliparamba. The forest department gave the required permission and concession for the entire students of MCA department of Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu, The forest officer took a class for the students, about the animals, plants and butterfly found in the Paithalmala forest Planting of Trees - 05-06-2020 Bhoomitra Sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a tree plantation drive on World Environmental day on 5-06-2...