
BMSC Activities 2021

  Planting of Trees - 05-06-2021 Bhoomitra Sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a tree plantation drive on World Environmental day on 05-06-2021. Due to Covid -19 the club members were not able to conduct the program in the college campus. So the members planted trees in their native place, and they sent the photographs. The club planted a total of 47 trees and 30 bamboos on that day.

BMSC Activities 2020

  Kundoor river cleaning on  (31-01-2020) The Bhoomithra sena club members of Don Bosco College cleaned Kundoor river, which is passing through the back side of the college. Trekking to Paithalmala (08-02-2020) BMSC members conducted a trekking to Paithalmala forest for the students of Don Bosco College, 44 students and 3 staff members participated. Paithalmala is a hill station in the kannur district of kerala. Located near Pottenplave village, the height of 1372 m above sea level, this is the highest geographic peak in Kannur. The headquarters of the forest is Thaliparamba. The forest department gave the required permission and concession for the entire students of MCA department of Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu, The forest officer took a class for the students, about the animals, plants and butterfly found in the Paithalmala forest Planting of Trees - 05-06-2020 Bhoomitra Sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a tree plantation drive on World Environmental day on 5-06-2...

BMSC Activities 2019

Muneeshwaranmudi Cleaning and Trekking 12-10-2019 Bhoomitra sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a cleaning program at Munneshwaranmudi, one of the hill stations in the district of Wayanad. Muneeswar Hills offer a breath taking view of biodiversity covering wildlife, endless greenery, tea estates, tribal settlements, paddy fields and the Shola forests. It is a scenic place visited by a lot of tourists. Because of the tourists and other factors a lot of plastic waste is deposited in and around the hills. It is spoiling the bio diversity of the place. There is also a chance of willd animals eating the plastic waste. So, BMSC decided take permission from Thalapuzha forest office and clean the spot.  The Bhoomitrasena club members reached Muneeshwaranmudi at 8 o'clock in the morning on 12-10-2019. The members started cleaning activity and collected plastic waste. Some of the waste was held on top of trees, because the visitors were throwing the waste to the bottom of ...

BMSC Activities 2018

Poster competition and collage competition (22-03-2018) The Bhoomithra sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a poster competition and collage competition on World Water Day. Cash prizes of Rs. 1000/-, 500/- and 300/- were awarded to the winners of both the competitions. Visit to ecologically fragile zone (24-03-2018) The Bhoomithra sena club has visited Vaniyapara quarry, which is along the ecologically fragile zone. Seedlings plantation (02-06-2018) The Bhoomithra sena club members of Don Bosco College has planted seedlings. The members has split as different groups and each group has planted 50 seedlings for Hill highway. Kundoor river cleaning The Bhoomithra sena club members of Don Bosco College cleaned Kundoor river, which is passing through the back side of the college. Poster presentation The Bhoomithra sena club of Don Bosco College conducted a poster presentation competition and selected the best one f...

BMSC Activities 2017

Tree maintenance and fertilizing  on Environmental Day  –  05 June, 2017 The BMSC members had planted several trees by the side of the Malabar Hill Highway, during the last two years.  We were also maintaining them, especially during the summer. On 5 th  August, to commemorate World Environmental Day, we cleaned the surroundings of these trees and put manure for them. 24 students has participated in this activities. Some trees were destroyed by the local people. We replanted trees in the same spot. 12 trees were destroyed and we replanted in all these places. Currently there are 92 trees along the Hill Highway, planted and maintained by us. We intend to create awareness about protecting trees to the local people. Ayyankunnu gramapanchayathu organized a program to plant 1000 trees on the side of Munnankutty road. Panchayathu president has inaugurated the program. We collaborated with them. Tree plantation on hill highway instead of destroyed ...

BMSC Activities 2016

Planting seedlings on 06-06-2016 During the environmental day Bhoomitra sena members collected seedlings of the Siris tree, and planted 92 seedlings in disposable paper glasses for planting on Hill highway. 27 students participated in the activity. Plastic cleaning in the campus 16-08-2016. Bhoomithra sena members cleaned plastic materials in the campus as well as srounding roads on 16-08-2016 on the Independence Day as an activity. Tree plantation and manuring on the side of Hill highway 21-09-2016. Bhoomithra sena members maintained trees which are planted on last year. And also planted 33 trees on the side of Hill highway. The seedlings were grown in-house by the members to commemorate the environmental day on 6 th  June 2016. Each tree is protected with metal grill. 34 students participated in this activity. Awareness class and drawing competition on 26-09-2016. Bhoomitra sena members organized an awareness class about waste manag...

BMSC Activities 2015

Awareness class and Tree Plantation by Shinto Abraham 16-March-2015. Bhoomithra sena organized an awareness class for saving nature and tree plantation on 16 th  March 2015 at Don Bosco college. Class was taken by Mr. Shinto Abraham, Secretary of “Save Nature for a Better Life Society”. He is travelling by bike all over India with the message of saving nature. He selected Don Bosco College to be the finishing point of one of his projects. He also provided some seedling for college. Cleaning plastic materials in the Campus 5-Jun-2015. Bhoomithra sena members cleaned plastic materials in the campus on 5-Jun-2015. Also they have placed dust bins in the common area of the college. Tree plantation in Campus 06-Jun-2015. Bhoomithra sena members planted 70 trees in the college campus on 06 th  June 2015. The seedlings were provided by Malayala Manorama and Forest department. The members will also be planting more trees along the Hill highw...