BMSC Activities 2013

Essay competition

An essay competition was conducted by Bhoomithra Sena club. The subject of essay competition was ‘Light pollution and energy conservation’ on 26-Jun-2013. 33 students participated for the same. The following students won the prizes. Cash awards were distributed by Rev. Fr. Joby.

Tree plantation

BMC members planted 60 trees in College campus as well as some of the organizations close to the institute, on 22-Jun-2013.

Environmental seminar

Fr. Dr. Sunny Pulichamakathottile, Environmentalist took a seminar on the meaning of environment and environmental sustainability on 21-Jun- 2013.

Panchayath well cleaning in Eenthumkari

Bhoomithra sena members cleaned panchayath well on 20-Jun-2013 at Eenthumkari tribal colony. A certificate of completion, issued by the panchayath, is enclosed with this.

Award for environment protection

Don Bosco College received the first prize for planting and maintaining maximum number of trees, during 2012-2013. The award was given by the department of forest, Govt. of Kerala and Malayala Manorma.

Celebration without Plastic

We had decennial celebration of the college on 11-Jun-2013. Our policy to avoid plastic was strictly adhered to, during the event. No plastic or flex material was used for decoration or advertisements.

College day inauguration

The college day celebration was held on 18th March 2013. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. Ramachandran Pattanoor (Wild life instructor, Aralam wild life sanctuary) and he delivered a talk on the importance of nurturing the nature.

Saplings maintenance 3-Aug-2013

BMC members prepared the bed and manured the saplings, which were planted on 22-Jun-2013.

Onam Celebration without plastic 12-09-2013

We celebrated Onam without any plastic materials. Students decorated the entrance with natural materials like coconut leaves.

Ozon day class by Ms. Emile Gayet and Ms. Katrin Brunjes on “A Healthy atmosphere, the Future we want” on 24, 25, 26 – Sept-2013

Ms. Emile Gayet and Ms. Katrin Brunjes, climate change activists from Europe, organized a workshop for the students as well as teachers. The subject of the workshop was “A Healthy atmosphere, the Future we want”. They explained the topic with the help of wall posters. The BMC members also arranged a study trip to Valathode waterfalls for them.


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